Human characters in storytelling: hands of different colors come together to form a circle


HUMANS A – Z is like a Who’s Who of humans I’ve come across in storytelling. I list the main/central human characters from books, tv-series, films and games. Because there are so many of them, I won’t be able to list every single human I meet in the stories.

Without further ado, here’s the list as it stands right now:

– Agatha Grant, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Angela Weber, The Twilight Saga

– Ava Leigh, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Axel Mortmain, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Axel von Fersen, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Bella Swan, The Twilight Saga

– Bill Doyle, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Billy Black, The Twilight Saga

– Boris Kashkoff, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Bridget Daly, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Brigitte de Polignac, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Carly Sage, Vampire Academy

– Caroline Connor, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Casper Sterling, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Charlie Swan, The Twilight Saga

– Chris Juarez, Vampire Academy

– Chris Roberts, All Souls Trilogy

– Cyril Tanner, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Daniel Roberts, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Deborah Sage, Vampire Academy

– Detective Abberline, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Donna Stanton, Vampire Academy

– Edgar Allan Poe, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Edmund García, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Elaine Lewis, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Elizabeth Tudor, All Souls Trilogy

– Elizabeth Moore, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Ellen Klein, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Emily Young, The Twilight Saga

– Emma Bayliss, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Eric Yorkie, The Twilight Saga

– Eric Hillchurch, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Esme Hardcastle, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Geoffrey Swan, The Twilight Saga

– George Chapman, All Souls Trilogy

– George Lovelace, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Guadalupe Santiago, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Gus Huntley, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Harriet Moore, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Harry Clearwater, The Twilight Saga

– Helen Swan, The Twilight Saga

– Henri de Polignac, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Henry Percy, All Souls Trilogy

– Ian Jansen, Vampire Academy

– Imasu Morales, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Jack Blackfriars, All Souls Trilogy

– Jaclyn Terwilliger, Vampire Academy

– Jared Sage, Vampire Academy

– Jessica Stanley, The Twilight Saga

– J. Jenks, The Twilight Saga

– John Dee, All Souls Trilogy

– Johnny Rook, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Jonathan Clark, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Kirk Duplesse, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Lauren Mallory, The Twilight Saga

– Lucinda Price, Fallen Series

– Leilana Jay, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Levi Lewis, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Linette Herondale, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Lucy Merriweather, All Souls Trilogy

– Malachi Wolfe, Vampire Academy

– Marcus Finch, Vampire Academy

– Marie Antoinette, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Marie Higginbotham, The Twilight Saga

– Mary Sidney, All Souls Trilogy

– Matt Charlton, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Michael Garza, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Micah Vallence, Vampire Academy

– Mike Newton, The Twilight Saga

– Mike Smith, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Molly Swan, The Twilight Saga

– Nate Gray, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Phil Dwyer, The Twilight Saga

– Phoebe Taylor, All Souls Trilogy

– Quil Ateara III, The Twilight Saga

– Rachel Black, The Twilight Saga

– Rebecca Black, The Twilight Saga

– Rebecca Lewis, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Renée Dwyer, The Twilight Saga

– Richard Gray, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Rudolph Habsburg, All Souls Trilogy

– Sue Clearwater, The Twilight Saga

– Simon Lewis, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Sir Walter Raleigh, All Souls Trilogy

– Sophie Hillyer, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Sophie Piper, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Stanley Wells, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Sunil Sadasivan, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Sydney Sage, Vampire Academy

– Thomas Tanner, The Shadowhunter Chronicles

– Trey Juarez, Vampire Academy

– Tyler Crowley, The Twilight Saga

– Zoe Sage, Vampire Academy

I will keep adding names to this list as I work my way through more titles.

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