THE TIME has come for me to talk about my date night with Fallen. The film.

Before I start, I want to make it very clear that this is not a review. This is a tongue-in-cheek summary of my first date with Fallen. There may be spoilers ahead – you have been warned.

Fallen is an American film based on the first book in Lauren Kate’s Fallen Series. It was released in 2016/2017 and is available on Prime Video now.

Set at the Sword and Cross Academy, a reform school somewhere in America, Fallen is the story about Lucinda Price who is sent there by court order. She may or may not be responsible for her boyfriend’s death in a fire. For whatever reason, a judge signed a court order to have her shipped off to a reform school for wayward and criminally insane kids.

If you’ve read the intros and first date accounts of the other three titles I’ve been dating (i.e. The Twilight SagaA Discovery of Witches, and Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments), you may have a hunch what comes next. But let’s go there anyway…

On her first day in this juvenile delinquent facility, Lucinda meets a mysterious guy who just happens to be the love of her life. His name is Daniel Grigori (!?) and he is a 7000+-year-old fallen angel. And if you wonder why I put an exclamation mark after his name, it’s because the name confuses me and I was hoping the film would explain it. But of course, it doesn’t.

The Love Story

Luce and Daniel’s meet-cute is different from what we’ve seen in any of the three previous films. Basically, she sees him sleeping in the academy library and she’s instantly drawn to him. He wakes up to new girl staring at him, and he immediately leaves the room. Then he goas all Edward Cullen on her arse and spends half the film trying to protect her from himself. As you do.

And here’s Lucinda’s entire “meet-cute” to He’s The One arch:

1) The first day at the institution, Gurl sees Boi sleeping in the library. Gurl wakes Boi up and he quickly exits the room. Without a word.

Gurl be like: *wtf*

2) Gurl sits in classroom and teacher asks about Sunday school and baptism. Gurl tells teacher she’s not baptised as her parents are atheists.

Boi be like: *wtf*

3) Gurl is on clean up duty outdoors when a staue of an angel falls from the roof and nearly crushes her. Boi does an Edward Cullen and rescues her even though he was on the other side of the schoolyard.

Gurl be like: *wtf*

4) Gurl runs into Boi in corridor. Boi ignores her.

Gurl: Thank you for saving me.

Boi: Don’t mention it.

Gurl: I’m embarrassed to ask, but there’s one more thing…

Boi: Well, don’t!

Gurl: You seem familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?

Boi: No.

Gurl be like: *wtf*

5) Gurl has fencing class. Teacher tells Boi to fight her. She turns out to be very good and has flashbacks of a similar match in a different time. When he ran a sword through her. Gurl tells her friend she feels like she’s known Boi for a very long time.

6) Gurl is invited to party by Bad Boi. Boi is there too. With another girl. Boi and Bad Boi give each other stink eyes. Gurl be like: *I’m outta here*

7) Gurl goes for a swim in the pool. Boi swimming too.

Boi: What;s wrong?

Gurl: I still feel like I know you.

Boi: Haven’t we been through this?

Gurl: Yes, but I don’t believe you.

Boi: Look, there’s a girl, another girl, that I love.

Gurl: And I’m better off without you?

Boi: Something like that.

Gurl: Well, you can’t tell me how to feel.  

And there we have it. From 0 to 100 in what? Less than two weeks? She knows. He’s The One and there’s no one else.

Now, let’s take a look at Boi‘s “meet-cute” to She’s The One arch:

1) Boi wakes up in library and sees new Gurl. Their eyes meet and he knows she’s The One. Done!

Now, there’s a story behind that, of course, and I’ll dive into that when I dissect the story in a later post. For now, we’ve just gotta roll with it.

This is instalove doing what instalove does best. Annoying the feck outta me… 🤮

The Big Bad

The Big Bad in this film is meant to be the BIG BAD himself. I think. Lucifer. Satan. The Devil. Only, that’s not really what the film shows us. Instead there’s a weird fight between the two love interests that makes so sense at all.

And why is that?

Well, I’m not tellin’ ya. Not in this post at least. But it irks me af, so we will get there eventually.

First Date Feedback

What can I say… This was weird. I had questions going in and I had even more questions coming out. Maybe I just need to watch it again? Maybe I need to read the books to understand what just happened?

I think it may be a draw between this and Mortal Instruments for the worst date so far award.

There will be a proper review at some point, and there will be a few more date nights to report. For now, though, I’m kinda happy to put this one aside and forget all about this evening. I’m glad I only have five books to go through, not 50 more hours of what I just experienced.

As always, a couple of questions before I go:

– Have you watched Fallen?

– What was your first impression of the film?

Let’s talk in the comments below, or send me your response via socials/email.

Thanks for being here today. I hope you had a good time and look forward to seeing you again soon.


//Evalena 😘


Disclaimer: As We Write (AWW) is an independent, non-profit blog owned by Evalena Styf. AWW is not affiliated with Lauren Kate, the Fallen Series, Fallen (the film), Delacorte Press, Lotus Entertainment, Silver Reel, Mayhem Pictures, Apex Entertainment, Vertical Entertainment or any other production or broadcast entities associated with Fallen or any other titles mentioned.

Photo, Graphics, Audio and Video: Photos from Fallen or any other titles discussed in this post are either screenshots or promotional pictures released by the distributor(s). All other pictures are from CanvaPro unless another source is mentioned. Any audio/video clips used in this post are strictly for commentary purposes. This usage falls under Fair Use according to US copyright law.

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