This Book Bingo is intended to encourage diverse reading and book talk in our Reading Rooms. We appreciate, and highly encourage, the sharing of book recommendations and reviews related to the Book Bingo, but it is not mandatory. What is mandatory, however, is adherence to the Resilience Code of Conduct. Be respectful of other members’ book choices and accept that not all people will feel the same way about a book as you do. That’s just part of the fun.

  • Eligibility: The Resilience Summer 2023 Read-Along Book Bingo is open to our Ship’s Log and Holihell Headlines subscribers. Participants must be current subscribers at the time of the draw to qualify for any prizes. Quarterdeck officers can play bingo too, but their cards will not be entered into any prize draws.
  • How to Play: Each participant must have a bingo card (download below or draw your own) with 6 x 6 squares. To complete a square, you must read the book with the same number. Please note, you cannot change titles and numbers. A line is considered complete when a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row of squares has been fulfilled.
  • Duration: The Book Bingo will start on Sunday 13 August 2023 and end on Sunday 1 October 2023. All bingo cards should be submitted by Monday 2 October.
  • Validation: Participants must provide a brief review of each book (100 words min) to show that they’ve actually read it. Reviews can be left on the review page, on social media, on Discord, or when you submit your bingo card.
  • Prizes: All participants who successfully complete one line will receive a digital goody bag. Furthermore, completing:
    • One line earns the participant a Resilience Reader Award and an entry into the prize draw for a special edition Libertalia Tales: First Love ebook.
    • Two lines earn the participant a Resilience Reader Certificate and an entry into the prize draw for two special edition ebooks from a selection of our Resilience Writers. Titles to be announced.
    • A full blackout (every square filled) earns the participant a Resilience Reader Diploma and an entry into the prize draw for a signed paperback from a selection of our Resilience Writers. Titles to be announced
  • Draw: Winners will be drawn at random from all qualifying entries on Sunday 15 October 2023.
  • Announcement: Winners will be announced here at Smugglers on the day of the draw. Notifications to the winners will be sent the same day using their preferred method of communication.
  • Disputes: In case of any disputes, the decision of the Quarterdeck Round Table.
  • Modifications: The terms and conditions of the Book Bingo can be changed at any time. Subscribers will be notified of any changes in our weekly Ship’s Logs.

Click on the button below to get the book list, bingo cards, social media posts and other resources.


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