About the New Paris Camp
New Paris Commune is the name our Ship’s Belle gave our camp, our writers’ commune, when we first set it up in April 2022.
(If you accidentally landed here, you may want to take the door down to the left where the tour begins.)
We’d moored the ship on the Seine so that I could take part in Camp NaNoWriMo. We had a tent over at the NaNo campground already, but there were too many problems with the messaging and other technicalites, so I invited a few friends to come back to the Resilience and camp out on the riverbank with us instead.
And here we are…
Whether we’re at sea or on shore, our camp is now home sweet home to the Procrastination of Indie Authors that make up our crew of merry revolutionaries.
But New Paris Commune? Isn’t that what the French revolutionaries called themselves? Didn’t they do horrible things?
A few have asked, and they were quite right. Yes it is. And yes, they did. But their dreams were good and they wanted to build a new and better Paris. So do we, but our Paris is a city of the mind. Most of us are indiepub authors, those shameful, despised creatures. We accept our label and embrace it, wearing it with pride like the communards of old wore their scarlet caps.
We have great dreams, and we are building our own place in this new world where self-publishing is a viable, and sometimes far better, option. We’re building it out of the stories we write and publish on our own terms. We are revolutionaries, you see. Writers who have turned our backs on the establishment and the crumbling, cut-throat world of traditional publishing. Together we are building our own citadel of words. Who knows, one day soon we may even storm the Bastille.
So, does this mean we are a raging group of left-leaning rebels? No. Well, kind of. Yes. We have no stated political or religious leanings, or any particular affiliations, but let me put it like this:
If you are wearing another type of red cap, or favour a certain old fantasy book over science; if you applauded a certain 2022 US High Court ruling, or believe that vaccinations are about government control, you wouldn’t enjoy our company very much.
However, we could potentially be a good fit for you if the above makes you cringe and:
- You are an adult (over 18!);
- You are writing with a view to publishing your stories in some form; and
- You’d like to be part of an active, supportive writers’ group with a shared platform,
Come with me through the Applications & Guidelines door down to the right, and I’ll tell you more about the benefits of joining our ranks.
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