ICE CREAM FLAVOURS… Funnily enough, when it comes to ice cream I am very much a vanilla kinda girl. And the funny part of that whole equation is that I am so not vanilla and most certainly not a girl.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Ice cream is ice cream and variety is always nice. I do like all sorts of ice cream depending on my mood. As long as it’s not chocolate. For some reason, chocolate never tastes good in dairy products. But I digress. 

Italian gelato. Pecan and caramel. Cookie dough. Strawberry cheesecake. Rum raisin. Pistachio. Hazelnut. Lemon sorbet. Raspberry ripple. Mint choc. Blueberry. I mean, I could go on and on listing tasty frozen treats, but at the end of the day, none of them can compete with a good old-fashioned Madagascan vanilla. The real kind, mind you, made with proper vanilla and cream. None of the artificial nonsense thank you very much.

A good quality vanilla is so versatile. You can sprinkle it, top it, mix it and have it with any number of sides. You can eat it, drink it, suck it or lick it. You can have it for breakfast, lunch, a snack or dinner. Or just because you can. Everything goes with vanilla. And yes, I’m still talking about ice cream! 

What about you?

– What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?

Let’s talk! Please, share the links to your posts using today’s prompt in the comments below.

See you tomorrow,

//E.  😘


I just realised I like my ice cream the way I like my partners. Raw and kinky… lol

© Evalena Styf, 2022

Writing prompt from #WordPress 365 Days of Writing Prompts: 10 January, What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? Vanilla, chocolate, or something else entirely?

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