My favourite quote


SO, WE’RE DOWN TO the last five days of the InstaWrimo challenge, and today (Day 27) it’s going to be another short post. The daily prompt is:

– Favourite quote.

Well, I have two.

The first one, if memory serves me right, is from an old film with snakes on a plane and Wesley Snipes (?) in one of the leading roles. To me, this quote relates to life in general, and captures the reality of #spoonielife in a rather depressing, yet motivational, way:

Pain is temporary – losing is forever. 

Unfortunately, it’s the reality for most spoonies (people with disabilities and/or long-term/chronic illness) that life equals pain, yet pain also means you’re still alive. And the opposite is not an option. So, we keep fighting through the pain, no matter how hard it gets or how exhausted we are.

This is also why a large portion of my non-fictional writing is dedicated to advocating for more, and better, representation, as well in fiction as in all other aspects of life. 

When it comes to writing, my favourite quote comes from the 1993 sci-fi novel Vurt, by Jeff Noon. It perfectly sums up how I feel about writing. Any type of writing:

Expect to feel pleasure. Knowledge is sexy.

Expect to feel pain. Knowledge is torture.

Because that’s what it’s like. Writing a paragraph, or even a single sentence, that flows beautifully and sounds great is such a thrill. Such a pleasure. And, at the same time, it’s such a challenge that it’s torture to even attempt it. At least in writing, knowledge is, indeed, sexy; but it’s also heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, mind-numbing torture.

I’ve been writing all my life, and I know there have been times when I managed to do it rather well. But most of the time, I feel like every single sentence that flows through my fingers is abysmal. Which is why I decided to torture myself by making all of my first drafts public. I think, or hope, that it will help me solve two problems at the same time. We’ll see how that goes…

How about you?

– What’s your favourite quote? 

Let’s talk in the comments below or send me a message via socials. Also, remember to post the links in the comments below if you use any of my prompts in your own posts. I’d love to come over and see them.

Hope you’re having a good day. I see you, and I appreciate your visit.

Love always,

//Evalena 😘

© Evalena Styf, 2021

Writing prompt from #NaNoWriMo Preptober InstaWrimo Challenge: 27 October, 2021. “Favourite quote”

The #InstaWrimo is a photo challenge for Instagram, but it works just as well as a daily writing prompt.


Here are the daily writing prompts for NaNoWriMo’s preptober challenge. It’s never too late to start, so let’s get into it. Together.

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