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a pirate's desk with a ruffled eagle and a ship's logbook

Hej, Messmate!

I know it’s June in the Big World now, but here on Quarterdeck we’re just about to step into May. If you were here at the beginning of the year, you may remember that I wrote a list of our goals for 2024. I said all of them more or less hinged on the major one being resolved. And it was! There may still be bumps in the road, and storms at sea, but now we’re turning that list of goals and dreams into a to-do list.

Today’s Quill is a combined Who-We-Are-and-What-We-Do and a quick look at what the future holds.


The Resilience is our imaginary pirate ship. Not only has she been my spiritual home for the last 15 years, she has also become the heart and soul of an expansive literary universe where stories are born and legends come to life.


The Ship’s Log is the name of our Newsletter. Logs are penned by our Ship’s Belle, F.K. Marlowe, our Quartermaster, Leto Armitage aka Sir Bear, and yours truly.

Belle’s news are released every 4th Thursday, which means you can expect the next issue to come bobbing into your inbox on the 13th of June.

Sir Bear and I tend to combine our news. We have already changed our release days, but as of this issue we are also making a change to the follow-up email. Sunday despatches will keep bringing you the long-form logs made to read over a mysfika so you can take your time and hang with us all day if you like. The follow-up will come on the first Tuesday of the month with a Between Port and Starboard reader’s digest round-up of last month’s news.

As usual, there will be the odd special edition from The Tart & Tipple Society and I have it on good authority that our Head Libearian, Barry, may send out hot-off-the-press updates when we have a new release coming as well.


This old ship is a place for LOvers of Books and BOokish Things, so if you’re a LOBBOT too, chances are you’d enjoy going for a cruise with us.

Our move delayed us, but we are opening the doors to the ticket office on Midsummer. We are not taking on more crew members at the moment, but we have plenty of room for passengers both in the new writer’s room and in the reading rooms. (If you have already secured a ticket, we are definitely coming to get you!) If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, watch this space between the 21st and 23rd of this month.


The most ambitious goal we set ourselves for this year was to release at least 12 books. From January to May, the grand total was zero, but I am pleased to announce that our first book baby of -24 is coming next week!

Neighborly Gestures is a series of five short stories by Leto Armitage. Book 1, A Taste of Mint, will be released next week, with Book 2, A Cup of Tea going out on pre-order at the same time. Books 2 to 5 will be released on the 1st of the month from July to October and then we’ll release them all in print before the holidays.

In A Taste of Mint, we meet helicopter mum, Shannon who finds herself in a bit of a pickle. She needs to sell a whole lot of Bear Scout cookies to get a scholarship for her daughter, Janice, who wants to attend a leadership summit over the summer.

Shannon begrudgingly turns to her neighbour, Adam, for help as he is minted and could easily afford to buy hundreds of boxes. Unfortunately for her, Adam has no interest in cookies, but he does have an axe to grind with the woman who also happens to be his ex-wife’s twin sister. He makes her an offer that would get both of them what they want, but only if Shannon can be a good girl and swallow her pride?

The genre is hotwife-flavoured romantic erotica, and the first book is free for our subscribers. Keep an eye out for the download link in Tuesday’s round-up log.

This month we’re also releasing the first two books in the Libertalia Tales: Pirate Life series. If we can nail down the name, that is. The stories are about life at sea and I do like the idea of having the word pirates in the series title. Do you have any suggestions? Please, email them to me. If we end up using your series title, we’ll add your name to the acknowledgements page and send you a digital copy of every book we release in the series.

There are many more books in the pipeline between July and December, but I have to be careful with my promises now so I’ll only reveal a few titles at a time. Four books is not a bad start if I may say so myself, and I can’t wait to hear what you make of them.


Next time I will get Freyja, my Scandi Sea Eagle, to bring out the list of New Year’s resolutions so we can take stock and see where we’re at. I think that could be interesting.

As I mentioned above, we have the May round-up log coming on Tuesday, and a Midsummer special will be dropping somewhere around the 21st-23rd June. The next regular Ship’s Log from Sir Bear and myself is coming on Sunday the 30th. But before that, we have four books and two logs to look forward to, so let’s hope the winds keep favouring us.

Here’s to a wonderful month for us all,

//Linnea 🖤


a blue ship's door with the sign "LINNEA LUCIFER"
author bio

Linnea Lucifer is the Captain of the imaginary, yet very real, pirate ship Resilience and her merry crew of indie authors and omnivorous readers. But that is not all – amateur liar, weaver of stories, peddler of merch, lifelong spoonie, ancient dragon lady and Maddox Rhinehart’s irreverent pet are a few more words often used to describe the bearer of many names.

The Captain was named after a delicate little flower that grows in mossy, Swedish pine forests, and a certain fiery fallen angel. She spends most of her days daydreaming and writing fantasy, smut and painfully crappy poems. A diva of delight, she takes great pleasure in everything that tickles the senses and adds a sprinkle of magic and spice to our world.

Linnea writes fantasy rooted in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore under the pen name Saga Linnea Söderberg. She also writes Sweet’n’Spicy Spoonie romance together with Leto Armitage under their joint pen name Linn Rhinehart.


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