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Armitage, L. The Pool Girl book cover XS

TITLE: The Pool Girl

AUTH: Armitage, Leto. 2020.

PUB: Libertalia Press

TAGS: Libertalia Press, Resilience Writers, Spicy Romance, Polyamory, Erotic Romance, Age Gap,

“I might have to get interested in our local cheer team and come watch. Who knows, maybe I’ll even get some school spirit.”

Melissa rolled her eyes. “I think I know the spirit you’re looking for, you horny satyr, you just want to perv on high school girls in their uniforms and peek under their skirts.”

“I thought they had shorts on underneath and modern uniforms really didn’t show much?”

“Well, during the game yeah, I’m talking about after…” She grinned at me.

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Robert Carlo’s quiet life comes to an abrupt end when he hires his teen neighbor, cheerleader Melissa, to clean his pool and gets her girlfriend, their two families and a whole cheerleader squad on his hands in the bargain…


“The Pool Girl is a gorgeously written, spicy slow burn with wonderfully off-kilter characters you fall in love with like you love actual real people.” ★★★★★ 5/5

4/5“Robert is the 40-yr old self-employed and semi-recluse bachelor who has the incredible good fortune to hire 18-yr old Melissa as his pool girl. His must be a very clean pool, indeed, since she cleans it daily much to his visual delight. For she is a beautiful young nymph. Also, it seems she finds lads her own age uninteresting, while drawn to older men such as Robert. Melissa’s very best friend is Lavi, an equally gorgeous nymphet. The fact that Lavi is lesbian complicates her participation in our polyamorous triad–at least as far as Robert’s sexual involvement is concerned–but they find a way that suggests Lavi is somewhat bisexual.

Many complications and obstacles arise in their pursuit of a serious romantic triad – especially involving the two young lasses’ parents having understandable concerns – adding interest to the story. But in the end, I think the story becomes a bit too drawn out and repetitious. Since the title declares this “Book 1″ I look forward to the next volume. Will it add more erotic players, or will our two nymphs deliver the much-talked-about babies? HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. ★★★★ 4/5

Have you read this book? Please, tell us what you thought about it in the comments below.


It was a Saturday afternoon in May when my doorbell rang. The summer heat was already starting and I was watching television. I got up, prepared to tell someone off. The only visitors I got were solicitors or people trying to expand their church congregations. Prepared to be gruff I expected a lot of things but the teen blonde dream I saw through the peephole was not it. With more trepidation than a 40-year-old man should have I opened the door. The vision in front of me was 5’8”, blonde with golden straight hair to the middle of her back and blue eyes. I would like to say she was wearing daisy dukes and a skin-tight crop top but she wasn’t. She was wearing denim shorts with a light blue t-shirt that wouldn’t have been scandalous at a church event but her face was sweet and elfin and to my primate brain looked of pure sex. And she was very healthy in front though through the loose shirt, I couldn’t tell how big her breasts were. Her legs were toned and athletic and she radiated youth and energy, barely able to a standstill.

“Hi Mr. Carlo, I’m Melissa. Melissa Milton.”

I took her hand and shook it trying not to look like a lecherous old man. Either I was succeeding or she got that reaction too often to register it anymore. I wondered if she was selling magazines or something but she wasn’t carrying anything.

“Can I help you?”

“Um, I’m Tommy Milton’s sister.”

“Oh! How’s he doing? He went off to state to start in the summer term, didn’t he? Extra training for track?”

“Yes, sir. He’s well. They got him a job in the sports department as part of his financial aid package and wanted him to start right away. Since that let him get a jump on training he was really gung ho.”

“That’s great. I liked Tommy. What can I do for you though?”

“Well, I’m coming around because I was hoping to take over the lawns he was doing.”

Shit. “Oh. I’d hired a lawn service since he said he couldn’t do it anymore… I don’t remember him saying anything about….”

“No, no. I just got the idea the other day. See, my stepdad said I’d have to save for a car myself and …. ” she looked back over the vast suburbia behind her, “well, kind of hard to get a job without a car.” She looked a bit dejected.

“Have you gotten many?”

“None. Some have gotten services and others … I don’t think they can see a girl mowing lawns.”

“Really you look perfectly fit.”

For a second she smiled and it was glorious. Then she came back to reality but forced a less bright smile. “Thanks for your time.”

She started to turn. “Hold on,” I said. “You know there is another thing Tommy used to do that the lawn guys don’t.”


“The pool.”


The pool gets that reaction a lot. It’s a full Olympic pool with a hot tub offset from it and the yard was wrapped by both a privacy fence and thick tall trees inside it that blocked the view from and of the neighbor’s houses. It made it my private slice of the world. Last year I’d gone further and built an outdoor kitchen and lounge space just because I liked spending so much of my time out here. The kitchen included a big charcoal grill, prep area, stone wood oven, and bar. The lounging area was covered with a fan and four outdoor loungers, a couple of chairs and side tables. It was way more than just I needed but the big patio would have looked bare with just one lounger and side table.

“Yeah. The folks I bought the house from had built on a double lot and already had a huge patio here so I decided to splurge on a full-size pool. I don’t like covering it up in case I want to use it. I also don’t like using a lot of chemicals so it needs checking regularly. I love my trees but they drop stuff in. Interested?”

“Yes, sir. How much?”


I could see the wheels turning in her head. It wasn’t a lot of money but it wasn’t a lot of work either.

“I need it done daily so that’s $140 a week with no taxes out or anything.”

“You sure you want to spend that much every week?”

“It’s worth it to not have to think about it. There is one concern though. You aren’t allergic or phobic of bees are you?”

“Uh, no, why?”

I made a follow-me gesture and walked around the side of the house to point to a large box underneath two maple trees. We could see a small cloud of black and yellow shapes around it. “One of my hobbies, honey bees.” As I said that one flew towards us, a big fat bee that lazily danced near my face and then wandered off.

Melissa stared obviously a bit dumbstruck but not wanting to panic. “Are… are they like wasps?”

“No, no, these are honey bees. They aren’t aggressive at all. If you don’t swat at them they’ll ignore you. They may fly nearby but they won’t sting. I’ve had plenty of them land on me and never been stung once. You do need to be more careful if you get near the hive since they want to defend it but it’s all the way over there.”

There was a pause where I could tell she was thinking. As silly as it was I didn’t want her to back out.

“Besides, I don’t think they’d sting one of their own so you should be fine.” I grinned. She looked at me like she didn’t understand the joke. “Your name, Melissa, means ‘bee’ in Greek, honey bee in fact I think.”



Somehow that seemed to decide it for her. She smiled and reached out to shake my hand. I took it. Right then I would have paid her daily just to see that smile. I took her around to show her everything including how to measure the levels and what to do. A few times she asked me to repeat myself and she took a lot of notes on her phone. After a bit, I asked her to step through it all herself. She did it well, with only a few minor corrections.

“Tomorrow?” she asked.


“What time?” She was almost bouncing on her feet.

“Anytime. I’m home most of the time but even if I’m not you can go ahead and take care of it.”

She laughed and it made all of her bounce a little. “Yeah, Tommy called you eccentric.”

It was my turn to smile. “I just like my life simple. Here… ” On the way through the house, I grabbed the spare fence key and some spare cash and gave both to her. “I like to square up accounts on Saturday so you’ll get paid then for each week and it’s Saturday so …”

“There’s $60 here.” She looked suspicious.

“Yeah, I figured the training took you about three times as long as actually doing it usually will so that’s your pay for today.”

“Oh, wow, thanks!”

I walked her back to the front door and said goodbye.

Sunday came and I found myself puttering around the house and resisting the urge to be outside just to watch her when she showed up. She did eventually show up at about 2 pm. She rang the doorbell first rather than go around the back. I opened the door to find her wearing a yellow sundress that was modestly long and loose. It looked gorgeous on her but not sexual which was oddly very sexy.

“Hey, did you forget the key?”

“No, but I figured you may want to watch me since it’s my first time to make sure I don’t mess anything up.”

“I think you’ll be fine.”

“I’m just a bit nervous. I want to do it right.”

“OK.” I motioned her through and we walked through the house. “Aren’t you a bit overdressed for pool cleaning.”

“I was at church and came right over. Mom insists we go every Sunday.”



“No. I’m not religious.” I was pulling open the sliding door to the deck. I wondered if she was religious if that meant she was more conservative …. well, I wasn’t getting in her pants so that didn’t matter. But I knew I’d think it anyway. She began the process and rather than hover over her shoulder I went to lay down on a lawn chair and watch her. By pure coincidence, it also let me see a lot of her thighs when she bent over in the sundress, not all the way up but enough.

After a few minutes, I said, “I feel like I’m being lazy laying here while you do that.”

She grinned. “Not at all. You’re the boss here, you enjoy overseeing your employee and relax. That’s why I’m here.” She had kicked off her flats and was walking around barefoot. It didn’t take her long and I started to get up to see her out but she waved me down and told me to relax. In a few minutes, she let herself out by the gate through the fence. After she left I thought the yellow was perfect for a little worker bee.

Monday came and she arrived at noon. I happened to be having lunch and was eating a sandwich outside when she came in through the gate. She beamed at me and she was wearing what I soon learned was her, except for Sunday, a uniform of some kind of shorts and a t-shirt. This time the shorts were white and the t-shirt was for some band I’d never heard of but it had tour dates on the back so I assume it came from a concert.

“Oh, you’re here, great!”, she said.

“Why is that great?”

“Well, I was hoping you’d be here if I had questions.”

“You could always ring the bell, I’m probably home.”

“Tommy said you don’t like to be interrupted when working.” I couldn’t really tell her that I’d make an exception for her …

“True,” I said “but if you really need something, it’s OK.”

“What do you do? Tommy just said it was computer stuff.”

“Data modeling and analysis. I tend to hyper-focus at work but I enjoy it.”

“What time do you usually finish up work?”

“About four.”

“So, if I come over then I won’t be interrupting?”

“Sometimes I work late but … yeah, that would be a good time.”

“Awesome.” During this whole time, she worked as we talked. She was clearly a better multitasker than I am. She called out the water test levels, checked several different places, made sure everything was circulating, skimmed the pool, and did the whole work. Before long she was gone again. The best part was she stopped to smile and wave as she left.


The door to Leto's quarters. You can see his face through the round ship's window.

Leto Armitage was born in America under a set of circumstances that prophesied that he would one day unite the lost tribes and return the Ever Summer. Somewhere around twelve, he realized he had been left unsupervised and binged too many Arthurian movies in his formative years and that he was just another kid who accidentally got an education while reading above his age level.

By the time he turned old enough to get a passport, he started finding excuses to travel determined to find out what culture, food and women there were to experience. After learning to grill in Oaxaca, do kinbaku in Japan, and being banned from several former Soviet block countries, he returned home to settle down and see what damage he could do locally.

After working jobs including being a short order cook, bodyguarding strippers and professionally doing reader’s advisory for erotica he realized the most reasonable path forward was to become a writer. Today he lives with cats, dogs, and humans who seem to like him despite actually knowing him. He prefers to sit on his back deck, listening to the birds and Barry the Bumblebear bee, while he writes cozy, uplit romance and raunchy erotica.


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