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The Moira Deck was first introduced in an article published on Tumblr in August 2023.

I have been designing a collection of altered Tarot cards for my fantasy world of Reuel, where many of my stories will take place. As I create the cards and unveil their lore I will share them here.

In the decades after the Godsfall the survivors began building new civilizations and with those came artifacts from the before times that people adapted for the new world. One of those was the Tarot deck, essentially the well-known Rider Waite Tarot deck. In time it became known as a Fate or Moira deck and the original cards transformed as people looked at the world in new ways.

Each entry in this series describes one or more cards. Click on the card to read more.

this is just a blue placeholder in the same shade as the background of the whole page - a very dark midnight blue
reuel moira deck tarot card: the magi
reuel moira deck tarot card: the diviner
this is just a blue placeholder in the same shade as the background of the whole page - a very dark midnight blue
this is just a blue placeholder in the same shade as the background of the whole page - a very dark midnight blue


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