Wood block letters spelling out the words hello november on top of autumn withered leaves


GOODBYE OCTOBER! Two months into this adventure I’m touched and blown away by the kind and supportive reception I’ve received in the online WritingCommunity.

I posted more work in progress (wip) chapters and daily InstaWrimo/ preptober blogposts in October. I was active on social media and promoted my posts and drafts on twitter, Instagram and facebook. Twitter is still the most exciting experience of the three. The writing community there is marvellous and I’ve gained over 1200 followers in the short time I’ve been doing this.

Today, I’m closing the books on October. Looking at the results, it’s hard to believe the numbers are correct. Here’s what we have achieved to date:

Horse’s Heart

#1 in #sagas on Wattpad

Fenrir’s Cubbies

#1 in #scandinavian on Wattpad

– 800+ reads on Wattpad

– 1200+ followers on twitter

Special thanks to my:

– Readers in Canada, Italy, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. I see you and I appreciate you.

– Wonderfully talented, inspirational and supportive writer friends Iris Joy, J. L. Vanders, The BelleDame, Katie L. Smith, Ami Faultier, M. J. Marino and, as always, Leanna Benjamin.

– New followers and friends who have been kind enough to like, comment and repost/retweet my posts.

– Family for encouragement, feedback and endless discussions on worldbuilding, character development and the magic of storytelling. 

Here’s to celebrating every milestone.

Thank you all so much for making October more colourful, and this grouchy old writers existence more bearable! 🥰😘

Roll on November…

Love & Lust,


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