MY FAVOURITE quote, that has become my motto in life, is: “Pain is temporary – losing is forever.”

Pretty sure it’s from a ghastly film with snakes on a plane, but that’s not why it resonates with me. Living with chronic pain, I came so close to giving up when I was young. I had to remind myself daily that giving up, i.e. losing, was forever. And deep down I knew I wanted more out of this life.

Pain, whether physical or mental, is temporary in the grand scheme of things. Even chronic pain is temporary if you think about it. Sure, I may have to live my entire life in pain, but compared to all the time I will spend being dead once I’m gone, it is still temporary. Relatively speaking.

I use these words as a reminder to look for new ways to get on with my life, instead of allowing my situation to bog me down. I’m actually rather proud of that.

What’s your favourite quote?

Let me know and I’ll see you in the next post.

Much love,

//E. 😘

© Evalena Styf, 2022

Writing prompt from #WordPress 365 Days of Writing Prompts: 4 January, Do you have a favourite quote that you return to again and again? What is it, and why does it move you?

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