MEET EEWIL, the youngest son of the Grim Reaper, Nefarious Grimm, and his wife Malicious. He’s a cheeky little prankster who loves having fun and making people laugh.

In Eewil Grimm & the Guardian of Halloween, Eewil is faced with a mysttery and something of a dilemma. His father is missing. Nefarious was on his way home from work on the night of Halloween, and he hasn’t been seen since. 

Mother Malicious isn’t too bothered. She’s not overly fussed with the whereabouts of her family members, and Eewil isn’t even sure she has noticed that his dad is missing. It’s not like her coffee, Eewil thinks sadly. She would know if the coffee was gone. And she would make sure we found it.

No, Eewils mum is not very helpful, and neither are his brothers. Atrocious, Vicious, and Pernicious have been out looking for their father, but none of them seem to believe he’s coming back. They are more interested in finding his scythe, and arguing about who’s going to be the new Grim Reaper.

Luckily, Eewil has a good friend who may be able to help him find his father and stop his brothers from causing a lot of trouble. Bellatrix, the Guardian of Halloween. If anyone can help me, it’s got to be Bella, Eewil thinks as he goes to call her…

So, tell me… Do you have a spooky main character somewhere in your drawers? Have you written about them already or are they just a brainchild, like Eewil was?

Let’s talk!

Please share the links to your posts using today’s prompt in the comments below so I can pop in and read them.

Hej då!

//Evalena 😘

© Evalena Styf, 2021

Writing prompt from #NaNoWriMo Preptober InstaWrimo Challenge: 6 October, 2021. “Meet Your MC”

The #InstaWrimo is a photo challenge for Instagram, but it works just as well as a daily writing prompt.


Here are the daily writing prompts for NaNoWriMo’s preptober challenge. It’s never too late to start, so let’s get into it. Together.


  • TheBelleDame

    I have a guy who keeps popping up in my head to tell me how he dreams about burying a body, or hiding it in a dustbin, only to wake to the most pitifully boring of lives, and almost wish his dream was true. But he’s going to have to actually do something before I can write about him.

    • admin

      Oh, I bet he will. Most of my stories have at least one pushy character who wants their story written. =)
      Most pitifully boring of lives sounds bad, though. That’s no good for you, my friend. <3

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