Linus Bäckvall

LOWKEY IS the Secretary, and one of the founding members, of Fenrir’s Cubbies. 

His real name is Linus Bäckvall, but he’s called Lowkey because he’s a trickster like a certain god and lowkey insane. He is a jovial, larger than life character in a larger than most body. Loves good food and drink, taxing workouts, pranks and riding his bike.


Don’t read the info below if you want to avoid spoilers.

I will add more details as the stories unfold.

Full Name: Per Linus Bäckvall

AKA: Lowkey

Age: 16 Horse’s Heart; 29 Fenrir’s Cubbies. Born 03/06/1966

Title(s)/Occupation: Secretary of Fenrir’s Cubbies MC; Restaurateur

Nationality/Species: Swedish

Description: Tall and bulky with long dark hair with grey highlights, grey eyes and olive skin covered in tattoos.

Personality/Mannerisms: A gentle, affectionate and curious character who loves to learn and have fun. Dislikes: Being alone, feeling confined, repetition and routine.

Likes/Habits: Motorcycles; Food; Drink; Fun with friends; Fighting for a cause; Conversation; Reading; Music; Coffee; Canines; Travel.

Home(s): Family farm in Indal; Room at FC clubhouse. All in Sweden.

Family/Friends: Horse Nylander (brother); Edda Varg (sister); Eihwaz, Embla, Askr, Raun, Eik and Sága Varg (nieces & nephews); Scooter Åslin (brother); Hunter Svelander (brother); Angel Svelander (sister); Juicy Svelander (niece); Scooter Åslin (brother); 





Appears/Mentioned: Horse’s Heart; Fenrir’s Cubbies: The Path To The Patch

Role in Story: Vice President of Fenrir’s Cubbies; 



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