nanowrimo writers badge 2021


IT’S TIME! Preptober, and InstaWrimo, are over and it’s finally time for the real challenge: NaNoWriMo 2021. In case you don’t know, NaNo is the (Inter)National Novel Writing Month, and it’s an event that encourages writers of all ages, from all countries, to come together and write 50.000 words in November.

I love NaNo and have been doing both Camps and the main event for the past ten 9or so) years. I lost my first account, started a second account under my given name, and now I have a third account for this profile too. I’m only doing NaNo as Lïnnéa this year, and I’ve decided to focus on the first draft for Horse’s Heart and to begin first edits of Fenrir’s Cubbies. 

To make this possible, I’ll cut down on the blog posts (daily bogging is hard work! lol) and on the daily social media posts. I think I’ll keep up with the stories, but keep the posts down to a minimum. Should be fun!  

But before I go, I’d like to know:

– Are you doing NaNoWriMo? 

Let’s talk in the comments below or send me a message via socials. Also, remember to post the links in the comments below if you use any of my prompts in your own posts. I’d love to come over and see them.

Hope you’re having a good day. I see you, and I appreciate your visit.

Love and stuff,

//Evalena 😘

© Evalena Styf, 2021


      1. Add me as a writing buddy on NaNoWriMo. Search for linnealucifer and you’ll find me.

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