12 AUGUST, 2022
Seclusion and experience, these are the poles between which writers are torn. The adage says that writers write and that is true. But it is also true that writers must have some well to draw from and that pool is experience. For those that remix ideas that can come largely from reading and reading is critical to writers. Most of us draw from a less safe set of experiences, we draw from life. And sometimes life sucks.
This is supposed to be an update so, what am I writing? I am doing developmental edits on a supernatural erotic romance. I am doing developmental edits on a raunchy piece as well. And all of this is a lie. The part of writing I’m doing is living right now. But that is writing. Writing isn’t just about putting words together. It is thinking while staring out the window. It is extracting thoughts from life that may get used. I have a document where I’m capturing thoughts and it is called ‘Vigil.’
When you bake you add salt to sweet dishes to bring out the sweetness. These experiences may be like that, maybe they will become part of a sweet romance where the darkness makes the joy brighter. Maybe I will keep them to myself. I don’t know. What I do know is that I will write and bring forth things that are to arouse and make you smile and at times even make you weep because I have already done these things.
Leto Armitage is an American multi-genre author with four published titles under his belt.
A sucker for romances grounded in reality, Leto writes stories featuring strong, but flawed, relatable characters, and he often uses erotica to show the sexual aspect of relationships.
He seasons the stories with liberal measures of his signature sense of humour, vast knowledge of trivia and a little something to tease each of your senses.