2) Life of the Party (1POV)EDDA The queue to The Palace was longer than normal. It snaked all around the block, and I felt bad for the poor girls standing there in skimpy clothes. No doubt, they’d be frostbitten by the time they were let in. Me, I can’t think of anything I want so…
1) An Intervention (1POV)EDDA THE SEASON OF PERPETUAL HOPE. What a fucking joke! I truly hate the sodding Yuletide. Hel, I hate the whole damn winter season. Joyful, my arse! Dealing with snow and darkness and people with the blooming winter blues for half the year. Yeah, that’s positively delightful! Oh, and why are…
2)- Life of the PartyTHE QUEUE to The Palace was longer than normal. It snaked all around the block, and Edda felt bad for all the poor girls in skimpy clothes standing there. They would, no doubt, have frostbites by the time they got indoors. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted so badly…